Our inspections give you much more than just peace of mind. You actually get to learn about basic systems of the home, how they work, what condition they are in, and what future maintenance is necessary. In addition to a thorough and detailed inspection of the home (structure, foundation, exterior, plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical, interiors, garage, attic, roofing, grounds, and much more), we also include an infrared scan. This allows us to more accurately inspect the heating and cooling system as well as find hidden moisture or insufficient insulation inside walls. The digital report with color photos is delivered by email within 24 hours, and can be postmarked for next day mail.

Pre-Sale Inspections
Homeowners frequently ask: “What can I do to make my home more marketable, to get a better price, or to avoid items of deficiency coming up during a buyers pre-purchase home inspection”?
The answer is a Pre-Sale Inspection. First, we complete a comprehensive inspection of the building and grounds the same way as for a Pre-Purchase Inspection. Then we provide repair and replacement costs for items of deficiency. Next, we include our recommendations regarding which items we suggest that you correct and what other things you can do based on our experience to make the house more marketable. We even remain available for consultation until the house is sold!

Pre-Sale Inspections
Homeowners frequently ask: “What can I do to make my home more marketable, to get a better price, or to avoid items of deficiency coming up during a buyers pre-purchase home inspection”?
The answer is a Pre-Sale Inspection. First, we complete a comprehensive inspection of the building and grounds the same way as for a Pre-Purchase Inspection. Then we provide repair and replacement costs for items of deficiency. Next, we include our recommendations regarding which items we suggest that you correct and what other things you can do based on our experience to make the house more marketable. We even remain available for consultation until the house is sold!

Commercial-Industrial Inspections
Real estate investors and business owners find it beneficial to have a Building Analysis Report prepared to determine the current conditions of the property and suitability for a specific use. We recommend that this inspection be completed prior to entering into a formal contract.
Our comprehensive inspection and consultation is the first step to a sound investment. Call us any time to discuss a property and your needs.
Additional Services
01. Termite Inspections
Termites are the wood destroying insects most commonly found however, there are other wood destroying insects of concern that we will be inspecting for, such as Carpenter Ants, Powder Post Beetles, and Carpenter Bees.
02. EIFS Synthetic Stucco
Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS), as known as synthetic stucco, is comprised of six layers that form a covering that does not breathe. This can become an issue if moisture becomes trapped behind the layers.
03. Re-inspections
Our inspectors can perform a re-inspection on a home after repairs are made to areas of concern that were discovered during the comprehensive inspection. We document that repairs are present and provide an updated report.
04. Well Inspections
A well inspection is comprised of an evaluation of the pump, well equipment, and distribution system. The inspector checks for the system’s condition, functional operation, and any visual signs of leaks or other issues.
05. Septic Dye Testing
This test is used to help determine the condition of the septic system. A fluorescent dye is added to the system which then travels out to the absorption field. The inspector looks for signs of the dye in areas where it shouldn’t be.
06. Sewer Camera
During an inspection we use visual cues to help determine if there may be an issue with the plumbing system. With the use of a Sewer Camera, we can actually go into the drain lines and see if there are any major problems.
07. Pool Inspections
Pool inspections consist of a visual inspection of the pool itself, looking for any cracks or damage of concern. The inspector also tests the pool equipment to make sure it is in good condition and working properly.
08. Radon Testing
Long-term exposure to radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the US behind smoking. We can perform a test for radon gas coming from soil and building materials, as well as radon in water.
09. Mold Testing
Mold, visible or hidden, may cause adverse health effects. The test we perform will reveal the type of mold that is present as well as the level in which it is found. An assessment can then be made to help determine remediation.